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So natural and calm beach Antap!

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Quiet beach is one beach which is famous as the Tabanan rice because most of the territory of pesawahan area and a major supplier of rice needs in Bali. Tabanan beauty no longer dubious, beautiful natural attraction is able to make tourists feel at home here, as well as beautiful beaches and exotic mountain located in Tabanan.

What are the advantages quiet beach? The beach is often visited by tourists because it has black sand with waves big enough. The atmosphere is very cozy beach that is perfect for those who crave peace and quiet life. Visitors come here just plain busy in the afternoon to play, swim, and enjoy the charm of a state beach.

Quiet black-sand beach has a view that can make admiration for each eye of the beholder. Cliff - the towering cliffs and rock collection that is always the brunt of the waves slammed into the main attraction for quiet beach. Although it can not bathe in this place because the waves are big enough and famous filled with rocks, but you can divert them to perform activities or culinary photography on the beach.

The majority of the people residing around the beach has subsistence farmers who farm activities can be seen when you visit this place. Various facilities are constructed and addressed to support the tourism sector at this beach as a place to eat, a place of lodging, rental equipment swim, by-the typical Bali, and a wide parking area. Had not had time, if you are visiting Bali then had to take the time to visit this beach.


Quiet beach located in the quiet village, District Selemadeg, Tabanan, Bali Province, Indonesia.

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